
Floating window clock for Ableton Live


Clock device with floating window

Monitor the current time and frames in realtime. Click on the large button in the top-left to open the floating window.

Top row - The display option is set to Milliseconds. In both the plugin and floating window milliseconds will be displayed in the lower right.

Bottom row - The display option is set to Frames. The Frame Rate dropdown becomes available, and frames are displayed in the lower right instead of milliseconds.

Live's Time Ruler

The Time Ruler at the bottom of the Arrangement View can be right clicked to display milliseconds or frames. LiveTime is the perfect plugin to read the same values in realtime.

Inspired by LiveMTC

LiveTime is based on the free LiveMTC plugin by Showsync, which can output MIDI Time Code to other applications.

Minimum requirements

About SoundSuite

SoundSuite creates tools, videos and lessons about anything involving electronic music production, Ableton Live and Push. SoundSuite is run by Jean-Paul Grobben, an Ableton Certified Trainer based in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Contact Details

Comeniusstraat 225hs
1065BN, Amsterdam
The Netherlands
KVK 53753100