
SoundSuite update

New device: LivePlayState

Control parameters in Ableton Live based on the transport state. Now available, for free!

SoundSuite update

Welcome to the new SoundSuite

Along with a new website and a proper blog, SoundSuite now offers more services! Read on to learn more about all the changes.

AD2 Suite update

AD2 Suite 2.0 is here

Now with a tighter integration between the Intensity Control and Random Control devices, and more!

About SoundSuite

SoundSuite creates tools, videos and lessons about anything involving electronic music production, Ableton Live and Push. SoundSuite is run by Jean-Paul Grobben, an Ableton Certified Trainer based in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Contact Details

Comeniusstraat 225hs
1065BN, Amsterdam
The Netherlands
KVK 53753100